GOP’s stubbornness on climate change will doom future generations


While a clear majority of Americans, 65%, want the country to focus on increasing solar, wind, and other renewable energy, Republicans want to double down on fossil fuels

Letters to the editor
 |  Cincinnati Enquirer

In the vocabulary of meteorology, the word “mega” has become an integral part of the lexicon, as in megadrought, megafire, and the latest: the mega-rain event. A mega-rain event is a storm that drops more than six inches of water over 1,000 square miles in less than 24 hours. Scientists call these thousand–year storms, meaning there is a one-in-a-thousand chance of one of these happening in any given year.

But there have been 16 mega-rain events just in Minnesota since 1973; 11 of them since 2000, and for only the second time ever, two in the same season, in 2016. These unusual extreme rainfall events have occurred more often in the northern middle of the country, and have become one of the largest causes of displacement in the nation.

As the nation reels from one climate event after another, Republicans simply look the other way. While 78% of Democrats and independents say climate change is a major threat to the U.S., just 12% of Republicans say climate change should be a top priority, according to a 2024 Pew Research Center survey. While a clear majority of Americans, 65%, want the country to focus on increasing solar, wind, and other renewable energy, Republicans want to double down on fossil fuels. “We will DRILL, BABY, DRILL,” reads the 2024 Republican party platform.

Republicans have become the enemy of the environment. The party’s wrongheadedness and intransigence will doom our children and grandchildren to a more threatening and less sustainable planet.

Stephen Druffel, Clifton

Congress needs to take action on gun violence

After the deadly shooting at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania, Democrats and Republicans must come together to reject violence. But America needs more than words. America needs action. Hundreds of people are shot in the United States on a daily basis. Democrats and Republicans must work together on gun control in a powerful demonstration of unity. Everyone is in danger, as we saw at the Trump rally how spectator Corey Comperatore was killed and two others seriously wounded by the gunman. Comperatore, a former firefighter, died heroically protecting his family. “America should be a country that provides safety for all − at political rallies, schools, places of worship, and in everyday life − so people can live without fear of gun violence. My hope is that we recognize the many commonsense solutions to end this epidemic and unite for them. Now more than ever, we must come together to end this crisis,” said Nicole Hockley, the co-founder of Sandy Hook Promise, in a press release on July 14.

America should be a place of safety and peace, and where political violence is rejected. This political season has started with the shooting at Trump’s campaign rally. The last election was also marred by violence when the U.S. Capitol was attacked on January 6. We have to stop this political violence from occurring again.Democrats and Republicans should come together to get some gun control legislation done to follow up on the 2022 Safer Communities Act signed by President Joe Biden. This act included expanded background checks for gun sales and school safety programs. Additionally, both President Biden and former President Trump have supported a ban on bump stocks, which rapidly increase the rate of fire for weapons. Passing legislation banning bump stocks, raising the age to buy guns to 21 and banning assault weapons could all allow Democrats and Republicans to prevent weapons of war from being used in society.

America needs a bipartisan spirit: the same kind of unity that overcame the Great Depression, won World War II and defeated the menace of famine in the aftermath. Let’s remember what the United States stands for and come together now in peace to reject gun violence and political violence.

William Lambers, Delhi Township

All kids can learn to behave in restaurants

After reading “8 great restaurants for semi-well behaved kids in Greater Cincinnati” (July 18), I think we should all do what’s best for our families when it comes to restaurants. But honestly, unless a restaurant strictly says they don’t serve kids, then everywhere is appropriate for kids.As parents, we have to work with our kids and teach them how to behave in these places − and that can/does take time. My kids loved Sotto, and while they were the only kids there and it was a three-hour meal, it worked for us and them. I will continue to use my judgment about how I think my kids will do, but I probably won’t skip many places just because I have kids.I love Keith Pandolfi’s stories usually, but this one missed the mark for me.

Katie Gingrich, Blue Ash

Vance says we have a ‘climate problem,’ yet supports fracking

As a climate-concerned Ohio voter, I appreciate your coverage of GOP VP candidate J.D. Vance’s speech (July 17) in which he spoke of “the sacred duty that we have …to choose a new path for our children and grandchildren.”According to Yale, where Vance went to law school, 66% of Ohioans fear that global warming will harm their children or grandchildren.In 2020, Vance affirmed in a speech at Ohio State that we have a “climate problem” and acknowledged that gas as a power source isn’t “gonna take us to a clean energy future.” He was right then, but his views have shifted after taking more than $350,000 in campaign contributions from oil companies.Now he’s pushing for increased fracking across Ohio. This is not a path we ought to take. There were more than 1,400 fracking accidents, including spills, fires, explosions and leaks, associated with oil and gas wells in Ohio between 2018 and 2023, according to the nonprofit FracTracker Alliance.Fracking is a violent process that frequently releases asthma-inducing benzene into the air and fouls water with forever chemicals that harm birds, trees, fish and humans, now and long into the future. It’s a dirty process with huge costs to health. The good news is that there are many cleaner alternatives. We don’t have to take the fracking path.The well-being of the children we love − those born and those not yet born − depend on us to choose wisely. A livable environment is not a partisan issue. Thankfully, we voters have the power to speak at the ballot box in favor of cleaner energy in local, state and national elections. Let’s vote for leaders who are climate champions.

Elaine Olund, Northside

Secret Service should have secured a larger perimeter at Butler rally

I am a Marine veteran who qualified as a “sharp-shooter” in basic training at 200, 300 and 500 yards with an M1 rifle (without a scope). Why was the security perimeter around where former President Donald Trump was going to speak set at only about 125 to 150 yards, especially since there was an unsecured building right outside of that perimeter? The shot fired at the president was a mere chip shot, especially since the shooter had a scope on his rifle. Also, the shooter was seen walking around with a golf range finder prior to getting on the roof. Trump should not have been allowed on the podium until this guy was thoroughly checked out. It’s a blessing the former president survived, but this whole thing was a major screw up and heads should roll ASAP.

Richard Davis, Walton, Ky.

The new Republican Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of Trump. And to his ego for which it stands, a divided nation, that is Godless, with liberty and justice for rich, powerful, corrupt felons.” The moral and ethical fabric of our nation is completely torn. He’s going to get away with everything. God help us all.

Gary Gardella, Anderson

False accusations from Vance only further divide the country

Am I the only one who is disappointed in Senator J.D. Vance’s accusations that President Joe Biden and the Democrats were at fault for the attempted assassination of the Republican presidential candidate just hours after the incident without any facts or evidence to back up his words?

While both parties are calling for unity to bring our country together, we, as Americans, don’t need false information to add fuel to an already deeply divided country. This is the time for true leaders to stop the rhetoric and represent all Americans.

William Kelley, Columbia Township

HB 8 would force LGBTQ children to be outed by schools

Ohio is currently considering House Bill 8, a bill that would require mental health professionals, teachers, and other school staff to be legally mandated to report to parents any changes in a student’s gender identity, without an exception for concerns about abuse, neglect, or abandonment of the student.

While many parents have the perception that school staff and mental health professionals are keeping secrets or encouraging students to hide important information, this simply isn’t true. School staff and behavioral health providers know keenly the importance of supportive parent involvement, however, some students find it difficult to share complex feelings with their immediate families, as they fear how family members may react. Schools are often a safe space for students, and school mental health providers in particular allow students to process feelings and work on communication skills so they can be empowered to bring these thoughts to their parents themselves. Taking away this choice and forcing a child to come out before they are ready does nothing but harm the child, even if their parents are supportive.

One-third of LGBTQ youth who were outed without their consent are more likely to experience depression and lower family support, and two-thirds report the event causing significant distress. These numbers increase even more for youth who are transgender or non-binary compared to youth who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual. LGBTQ youth are 2.2 times more likely to experience homelessness than their cisgender, heterosexual peers, with the leading cause of this being parental rejection.

Breaking client confidentiality (which is what HB 8 would require of mental health professionals in schools) is a violation of every code of ethics followed by every licensed mental health professional, which is also codified into Ohio Administrative Code. It also ruins the trust essential to clinical success. If a student brings a difficult, sensitive subject to someone and that person immediately tells the information to someone else, why should the student ever share sensitive information again?

To be explicitly clear, we want parents involved in kids’ lives. Studies show youth thrive when they have a solid support system that includes their families. We never want to hide things from parents; we simply want to be able to let the youth make those choices for themselves, with support, rather than forcing mandates upon them. If a parent wants to be more involved in their child’s personal life, thoughts, feelings, and fears, the answer isn’t to mandate mental health professionals to violate their ethics. The answer is really quite simple: Talk to your child and foster a home environment where they feel safe and comfortable to bring sensitive subjects to you.

Liam Strausbaugh, National Association of Social Workers-Ohio Chapter, Cincinnati

We need to fight MAGA up and down the ballot

Donald Trump has contributed absolutely nothing to this country, and he is just the mouthpiece for the big-money extremists  who want power and control. When they say “money talks,” it’s true. They are laughing at us, using the church folks and fear of government to garner votes, but the voters are being hoodwinked. The extremists don’t care about abortion: they just see a big block of votes from unsuspecting people who refuse to see the reality of the move. It’s the new GOP (without the G). It is all about power and control of our personal lives and freedom.

Gone are the serious policy debates and platform planks of the party. Trump has no concern about appeasing the old guard GOPers. Extremists try to construe our government of laws, checks and balances, as control… and blame Democrats. Why, then, would the voters turn our government over to an unethical, old, rich kid who has lived his whole life lying, cheating, stiffing his employees and mocking our justice system? We shouldn’t.

It took hundreds of years and thousands of dedicated people who worked, lived and died to build this wonderful democracy which, although not perfect, is the envy of the world. We need to fight against every MAGA extremist in races up and down the ballot.

Ann Thompson, Green Township

Democrats stabbed Biden in the back, but call him a patriot

It’s hilarious to listen to all the Democrat big shots saying President Joe Biden is so selfless to step aside and is such a patriot. “Selfless” and “patriot” were the words of the day given to all of the Democrats to insert into their statements of love, admiration and respect for the man they just forced out. Former President Barack Obama said Biden was “a patriot of the highest order.” What he meant was that Biden knows how to follow orders.

These elites stabbed him in the back when it became evident that they couldn’t maintain the false narrative that he was robust and sharp as a tack. That is probably why they put him in a debate so early in the campaign. That served as a catalyst for the push to get rid of him.

These are the same people who have for a long time told us that Trump is a threat to democracy. Threat to democracy indeed! Pushing out the man who was the voter’s overwhelming choice in their own party’s primary election to be the nominee. Dems’ style of democracy, for all to see!

Maurice Whigham, Florence, Ky.

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