India trying to hide HR abuses through fraudulent election in IIOJK


Peshawar   –  India’s apartheid regime announcement will hold an assembly election in three phases at Indian illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) has been widely deplored by the intelligentsia, civil society, and Kashmiri leadership, declaring it another attempt to divert the world’s attention from the human rights abuses and systematic state terrorism unleashed by its occupational forces.

Political and International Relations experts here on Saturday said that India was trying to hide its state terrorism and human rights abuses through the fraudulent election in IIOJK.

“Election in IIOJK can’t be considered an alternative to the right of self-determination as promised to Kashmiris through several resolutions passed by the UN Security Council. India’s election in IIOJK had never been accepted by the international community including UNO and that Kashmir dispute could be resolved only through granting the right of self-determination,” said Ejaz Khan, former Chairman, International Relations Department, University of Peshawar while talking to APP.

He said the Indian occupation forces’ continued oppression, human rights abuses, and state terrorism at IIOJK were one of the root causes of an indigenous freedom movement in the held valley.

He said such an indigenous freedom movement could not be stopped by holding of shameful Indian election at gunpoint.

Dr Ejaz said India can’t hold elections and bring changes in IIOJK unilaterally in the wake of UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.

He said the Indian government’s illegal acts of August 5, 2019, were neither endorsed by the UNSC nor by any foreign country, and the Hindutva regime was now repenting after internationalizing the Kashmir dispute.

Rejecting all international laws, Geneva Convention, and UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir, India’s fascist regime broke all records of oppression, and human rights abuses including extrajudicial killings and systematic state terrorism at IIOJK especially after abrogating Articles 370 and 35 A on August 5, 2019, thereby holding hostage millions of oppressed Kashmiris at gunpoint in the held valley where life became a nightmare for Kashmiris, especially for innocent children and women.

He questioned how free elections would be held in IIOJK where occupational forces have unleashed terror ahead of the shameful polls.

He maintained that the unending repression, human rights abuses, and organized Indian state terrorism that started from an illegal invasion at Srinagar on October 27, 1947, were further intensified after the fascist Modi government unlawfully revoked the special status of IIOJK on August 5, 2019, and converted the held valley as the world largest prison of the modern era.

Manzoorul Haq, former Ambassador said that Kashmir was an internationally recognized dispute and its resolution through granting the right of self-determination to Kashmiris was the most viable solution.

In the past, he said India staged such flopped dramas of election in IIOJK at gunpoint in the past but it was never accepted by the International community and UNO.

He said India had made a deep-rooted conspiracy to rob Kashmiris of their history, language, and ethno-cultural identity after revoking the special status of IIOJK.

Prof Dr AH Hilali, former Chairman of the Political Science Department, University of Peshawar also deplored India announcement of direct election in IIOJK which was an attempt to divert the world’s attention from its state terrorism.

He said the strategic stability has been threatened by India as it continues to receive an abundant supply of conventional and non-conventional weapons that can put the peace of South Asia in jeopardy.  

The unprecedented increase in India’s military budget and expenditures in recent years has put the security landscape of South Asia at stake.

Mushtaq Ahmed Shah, Vice Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League strongly condemned India’s attempt to hold the election in IIOJK under the barrels of machines guns, and tanks.

Like other flopped elections, he said India’s shameful polls would also be boycotted by the valiant Kashmiris of IIOJK.

Ahead of the shameful election, he said that Indian occupational forces unleashed terror in the held valley and started arresting Kashmiris.

He said that Indian occupation forces had killed many innocent Kashmiris in fake encounters, put Kashmiri leadership behind bars, imposed clampdown on media, and used human rights abuses as weapons of war. The Kashmir leader claimed that over six million illegal domicile certificates of IIOJK have been provided to Hindus in a bid to cast fake votes besides bringing about demographic change there.

He said the gruesome violation of human rights including the forced disappearance of over 8,000 innocent Kashmiris, 8,652 unmarked mass graves, imposition of the longest curfew on some 10 million unarmed, extra-judicial killings, and human rights abuses especially against women and children exposed India’s ugly secular face.

Kashmiri leader while referring to the September 2021 Pakistani dossier said about 8,652 unmarked graves were identified in 89 villages of six districts in the held valley while the bodies of 37 Kashmiris burnt alive by Indian forces were beyond recognition.

Since 1989, he said over 96,000 cases of extrajudicial killings, around 162,000 cases of arbitrary arrests and torture, over 25,000 pellet gun injuries, 11,250 women raped, 23,000 women widowed, and over 108,000 children orphaned by the Indian army.

He said excessive use of snipers and cluster ammunitions by India to target innocent Kashmiris along the Line of Control (LoC), the use of children and women as human shields by the Indian army during encounters and making them sleep at military camps forcing them to dig out minefields and tying youth on military jeeps testified Modi government’s direct involvement in war crimes and genocide of Kashmiris.

The experts said the international community should look beyond trade and business interests and step forward with collective action to stop the genocide of oppressed Kashmiris besides pressurize Modi government to reverse all its illegal actions of August 5, 2019, and give the right of self-determination to imperative for lasting peace and stability in South Asia.

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