Monthly NASS agriculture report | News, Sports, Jobs


Editor’s Note: This is a monthly column from the Northeastern Regional Field Office of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS-NERFO). The website is; for the reports mentioned below, click on the “Publications” tab.

Keeping data safe

We are very serious about our responsibility for the security and confidentiality of our data and have not had a data breach since before the Crop Reporting Board was established in 1905. With rapidly changing technologies, we conduct ongoing reviews of our processes to improve the security of our data. We are focused on establishing ongoing internal and external controls to assure continuous improvement and confidence in our procedures and technology into the future.

As required by Federal law, survey and census responses are completely confidential. We safeguard the privacy of all respondents, ensuring that no individual operation or producer can be identified. No identifying information will be shared with any other agency or entity for any reason.

Pennsylvania’s Ag Progress Days

Ag Progress Days, Pennsylvania’s largest outdoor agricultural exposition is to be held August 13-15, 2024. The show is held annually for three days in August, at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center, Penn State University. The 2024 show will continue to incorporate a virtual experience to feature exhibitors and Penn State Extension programs on-demand webinars.

Ag Progress Days features the latest technology and research exhibits, educational programs, and guided tours. It is one of only three agricultural exhibitions in the country sponsored by a major university. The exhibits showcase the latest in Penn State research, as well as information on best management practices and changing regulations in the agricultural industry.

With 400 exhibitors from 35 states and Canada, there is something for everyone. We will be there all three days to provide information and discuss the use of NASS statistics. Hope to see you there!


Region and U.S. acreage report

Following up on the Prospective Plantings report released in March, almost 64,000 farm operators were surveyed during the first two weeks of June to gather information on what farmers actually planted. The following information came from the June 28 Acreage report based on a June 1 reference date.

Corn planted area for all purposes in 2024 is estimated at 91.5 million acres, down 3% or 3.17 million acres from last year. This represents the eighth highest planted acreage in the United States since 1944. Compared with last year, planted acreage is expected to be down or unchanged in 31 of the 48 estimating States. Farmers responding to the survey indicated that 3.36 million acres of the estimated corn acreage remain to be planted at the time of the interview.

The 2024 soybean planted area is estimated at 86.1 million acres, up 3% from last year. Compared with last year, planted acreage is up in 19 major producing States. Area for harvest, forecast at 85.3 million acres, is up 4% from 2022. If realized, this will be the fifth highest planted and fifth highest harvested soybean acreage on record. Farmers responding to the survey indicated that 12.8 million acres of the estimated soybean acreage remained to be planted at the time of the interview.

All wheat planted area for 2024 is estimated at 47.2 million acres, down 5% from 2023. The 2024 winter wheat planted area, at 33.8 million acres, is down 8% from last year and down 1% from the previous estimate.

Pennsylvania – Pennsylvania growers expect to harvest 750,000 acres of grain corn, up 10% from last year; and 600,000 soybean acres, up 7% from 2023. Planted soybean acres are estimated at 610,000 acres, up 7% the previous year. Keystone small grain acreage for harvest is expected to be 160,000 wheat acres, down 30% from last year; 41,000 acres of oats, down 13% from the previous year; and 26,000 barley acres, down 7% from 2023. All acres for harvest of dry hay in Pennsylvania are estimated at 1.22 million acres, up 2% from the previous year.


Region and U.S. crop forecasts

Here are the latest results for the 2024 crops based on crop conditions as of July 1 for published states in the Northeastern Region and United States.

Pennsylvania – Oat yield is expected to be 63.0 bushels per acre, up 2.0 bushels from the previous year, although production is expected to be down from the previous year at 2.58 million bushels.

United States – Winter wheat production is forecast at 1.34 billion bushels, up 4% from the June 1 forecast and up 7% from 2023. Based on July 1 conditions, the United States yield is forecast at 52.0 bushels per acre, up 0.6 bushel from last month and up 1.4 bushels from last year’s average yield of 50.6 bushels per acre. Area expected to be harvested for grain or seed totals 25.8 million acres, unchanged from the Acreage report released on June 28, 2024, but up 5% from last year in comparable States. Record high yields are forecast in Michigan, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin for 2024.

Oat production is forecast at 61.9 million bushels, up 13% from 2023 in comparable States. Growers expect to harvest 872,000 acres for grain, unchanged from the previous forecast but up 9% from 2023. Based on conditions as of July 1, the United States yield is forecast at a record high 70.9 bushels per acre, 2.1 bushels above the 2023 average yield in comparable States.

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