Understanding The Astrological Significance Of Your Hands


कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मीः करमध्ये सरस्वती ।

करमूले तु गोविन्दः प्रभाते करदर्शनम ॥

Ancient and traditional Indian, (Hindu) astrology reveres the presence of various gods as homed on the fingers of hands and worships goddess Panchanguli to gain her grace in palmistry. Palmistry was revived in the early 1900s by Chiro, (originally William John Warner), the famous Irish astrologer and palmist whose work forms the basis of modern western astrology. Let’s look at how traditional Indian astrologers read ones fortune in the first column of a series on the astrological practice of palmistry.

Reading palms

There are beliefs that one must look at the left hand of the woman while the right hand of the man implying that that the aware consciousness of a man can be read with ease, while the subconscious mind of a woman is easily accessible. Though the overall hand, its lines, mounts, fingers, size, structure, phalanges, marks other than the face and body structure all are studied to gauge a person’s fortune; let us look at the skin, the palm and finger ratio to start.

Palm types

Palms can be lean, flat, firm or soft, hard and silky smooth. A palmist holds the hand to initially feel the seeker’s skin texture over the hand. A rough texture belongs to a person who works hard while a soft texture reveals a relaxed and luxurious lifestyle. Tough hands that are bony reveals some planetary afflictions, while a fleshy hand that is soft generally has better planetary influences. The best way to check a palm is to press the thumb against the palm’s type.

If the palm feels firm, yet silky to touch, the person is intelligent, brilliant with an exceptional potential bearing cultural and artistic potential. He works with his head more than his hands thus successful in fields that need refinement and intelligence. 

A lean palm can be described as being thin and not fleshy. It indicates a lack of developed mounts (mounts represent planets) that represent energy and with the lack of energy the owner may be facing great weakness in achieving life targets. 

A fleshy palm that is consistent across the surface is a good indicator for an auspicious fortune. Fleshy and firm hands that do not yield under pressure belong to those with a good spirit, an active and steadfast disposition. The owner of such a hand is action oriented as all the mounts are well developed. Inclined towards being practical, constructive and optimistic in life, thus accomplishing goals.   

If the, seemingly, fleshy hand yields under pressure and looks lifeless, the owner can be lazy, pretending to lack energy. He may have unclean habits, be unpunctual; but rather cunning and adept at getting work done from others while he rests. 

A hard palm indicates a rigid disposition accompanied with nervousness, afflicted by anxiety thus unable to be calm. Sensitive by nature, the owner of this hand type works nervously unable to find a correct approach to life situations or to express himself to people or in a situation. A good follower, he is sometimes erratic as his behaviour lacks the strength to carry out responsibilities. 

Finger-palm ratio

Next, the finger to palm ratio is observed. If the fingers are longer than the palm the person is drawn to intellectual pursuits making him a thinker who is analytical by nature. Such a person has well developed critical thinking prowess and enjoys mindful reflections, working cautiously, slowly and methodically on research noting finer details. However, at times, he may tend to miss the larger picture. 

If the fingers are shorter than the palm, the seeker is intuitive, believing in first impressions with a tendency of being impulsive. Action and result oriented the person is a quick thinker and endowed with the gift of seeing en masse, at the overall picture of situations as he is impatient with finer details. 

Width of the hand

Depending upon the overall built of the person, the width of the palm is taken into consideration to read the overall balance, health and personality of the seeker.  

A narrow palm is traditionally indicative of a narrow subjective vision limited to oneself, reflected sometimes as self-centredness or even meanness. Indulging in manipulative behaviours, such a person can potentially adopt any wicked or wrong methods to achieve his goals. Owing to a lack of social skills, such a person chooses an isolated lifestyle and likes to hoard things.   

A wide palm however indicates exactly the opposite denoting a social nature involvement in team work and gregarious activities depending on the size of the width. Well developed mounds reveal potential and energy in the seeker who is associated with human welfare or public services.  

In the forthcoming columns we’ll study the fingers, discover the influence of planetary mounts and various lines and marks on the palm.

These indications are generic and not ultimate truths as our fortune lies in our own hands and with the grace of god, we can recreate our own fortune.

Back Of The Hand


Naturally feminine hands have almost invisible fine hair on the back of their hands. They are fine and not noticeable at first sight.


Exceptionally hairy back hand: when the back of the hand is covered with firm and dark coloured hair such that the skin is invisible it indicates the presence of excessive animalistic instincts, vitality and physical strength with a natural tendency towards physical love indicative of sexual relations and indulgence in food. Owning a robust constitution, he is rough in demeanor lacks refinement in personal intimacies, undisciplined, possessive and crude, aggressive, explosive. During crisis he is unable to bear mental strain and tends to feel like a scared animal.

Moderately hairy back hand: when the back of the hand is hairy with thick hair but the skin can be seen, it indicates the owner possessing vigour, vitality and a measure of discipline with regards to appetite. The owner appreciates intimate relationships and edible delicacies as well.

Thin hair: thin and sparse back hand hair are not considered fortunate. Lack of vigour, vitality with a weak nervous constitution the seeker is considered lacking in persistence and intellectual stamina, unreliable, submissive to pressure, afraid to take responsibility due to a lack of self confidence and feelings of inferiority and sometimes inclined to being cunning, evasive and deceptive.

(The columnist is a Naturopath and Reiki practitioner and pursues astrology as a hobby)

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